PureWest: A Lifestyle & Real Estate Blog

In the Center of Everything: Kalispell Houses for Sale

Posted by PureWest Real Estate on October 31, 2019 in  uncategorized
Kalispell is the beating heart of the Flathead Valley. It's the county seat and commercial core. It's home to the region's best hospital and a top-tier community college. It's where arts, community, and outdoors meet. And, geographically speaking, it's in the middle of everything Northwest Montana. Kalispell houses for sale offer easy access to:The North—Whitefish and CanadaJust 20 minutes north of Kalispell, hop on the chairlift at Whitefish Mountain Resort, Northwest Montana's preeminent ski area. Readers of SKI ... Readmore
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Montana Real Estate Roundup: Hunting & Ranching Homes

Posted by PureWest Real Estate on October 30, 2019 in  uncategorized
Feature photo: Montana real estate, like 20280 Us Hwy 2, once a Dude Ranch in the 1920s and later the R.W.R. Hunting Lodge whose motto was "Silvertip Grizzly, Our Specialty", in East Glacier Park, is a great property for hunting and ranching!What is the west without hunting and ranching, two of Montana's oldest lifestyles rich in history? Wide-open spaces, wandering animals, golden fields with mountains rising in the distance, and closeness to the land-- that's the Big Sky dream. Connect with the state's heritage o... Readmore
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I'm Local, I'm Global: PureWest Christie's Real Estate

Posted by PureWest Real Estate on October 04, 2019 in  uncategorized
Did you know that PureWest Christie's is affiliated with the Leading Real Estate Companies of the World? More importantly, do you know what that means?Let's start at the beginning: In the late nineties, 50 of the United States' largest brokerage firms decided to band together. Their dream: launch their own network, with the goal of controlling their own destiny and raising the bar in real estate. Now, let's fast-forward a few years, to winter 2018, when PureWest joins Leading RE's ranks. By this point, the founders... Readmore
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Montana Real Estate Roundup: Homes in College Towns

Posted by PureWest Real Estate on October 02, 2019 in  uncategorized
Feature photo: Montana real estate, like 946 Bandmann Trail, in Missoula, is a great home in a college town.Fall weather is here, which means college football has returned! And what's better than finding an amazing home in your favorite college town, so you can support the team? Fierce as our school rivalries are, there's a spirit of camaraderie across the state. Whether they're cheering for the Griz or the Cats, Montana real estate homeowners always come together at the end of the season. We've rounded up six home... Readmore
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